Our web filter not only allows you to block entire domains (facebook.com, youtube.com), but you may block a specific page on this domain, in other words, a URL.
Here are instructions on how to do that:
- Navigate to Behavior - Rules on the left side of the Dashboard.
- Click on Create to create a new rule.
- Specify a name for this rule.
- Select Visit Website from the list of event types.
- Under Users, select users and departments that this rule will apply to.
- You can also exempt anyone from this rule by selecting them below Except.
- Turn Notify on to receive an e-mail notification to the Owner's e-mail when the rule is violated. You may uncheck use default account e-mail to specify to which e-mail address should the notification be sent.
- In the box under Websites, list the URL/URLs that need to be blocked (In the screenshot below, we've added the URL to Ray Willam Johnson's channel on Youtube). In this case, Youtube will still be accessible, but this channel will be blocked. Clicking on the + button will allow you to add an entire category of websites to the list.
- You can also exempt URLs or websites from the blocked websites list by adding them to the box below Except. Clicking on the + button will allow you to add an entire category of websites to the list.
- Select Block from the list of Actions.
- In the box right below Warning, you may specify a pop-up message that will appear on the user's screen upon rule violation.
- Click on Save to create this rule.