Controlio provides you with the ability to watch video recordings that are connected to different monitoring reports. When you click on the camera icon of a specific report, the video player that shows up will have the entire video recording of the day; but it starts playing from the time-stamp that is linked to the chosen report item.
Generally, there are two ways to watch the video recording of a day entirely:
- Access any video record of a specific day by clicking on the camera icon next to any report item from that day, and simply rewind the video recording to the beginning of the working day, or to any point of this day's recording.
- You can always download the entire video recording of the day if you click on the download button on the top-right side of the video player's window; This will allow you to export the full video recording of the day. Video Exports can be found on the top-right side of the Dashboard. simply, click on the download button corresponding to this export to save it on your PC.