Productivity Score
The Productivity Score measures your team’s productivity per the filtered period of time. The score is calculated as a percentage and ranges from 0% to 100% productivity.
This indicator is calculated by monitoring and measuring your team’s weighted average on active use of computer programs and websites. The calculation is measured in units of time, which are then categorized into 5 Productivity levels that show your team’s time as:
- Very Productive (vp, Weight=4) 100%
- Productive (p, Weight=3) 75%
- Neutral (n, Weight=2) 50%
- Distracting (d, Weight=1) 25%
- Very Distracting (vd, Weight=0) 0%
Productivity Score formula:
25 x ( d + n x 2 + p x 3 + vp x 4 ) / ( vd + d + n + p + vp )
The maximum Productivity Score value is 100, and the minimum value is 0. The productivity score can be calculated for specific individuals or entire team.
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