To uninstall the Controlio Client from your PC without being connected to the Controlio Dashboard, please follow these steps:
- Run the Client Launcher (Installer).
- "Uninstall from this PC" should appear in the list of options, while “Install to monitor this PC (already installed)” is greyed out.
- Click on the "Uninstall from this PC" option, and follow the instructions of the installer to remove the Client.
If you were unable to uninstall the client locally with the instructions above, please use this Windows MSI packages removal tool:
- After downloading the removal tool, please run it.
- Click on "Next," and then choose "Uninstalling."
- From the listed apps please select {E0E95C6C-F194-4846-928D-E5538022226D}, and click on "Next."
- Choose "Yes, try uninstall" to complete the removal process.
To uninstall the Controlio Client from your PC without being connected to the Controlio Dashboard, please follow these steps:
- Navigate to the client folder /Users/Shared/{E0E95C6C-F194-4846-928D-E5538022226D}/
- Create show.txt file in the client folder. (You can do that with the help of the TextEdit application)
- When using the show.txt file the file may be created in rich text format (show.txt.rtf), so you may need to rename it to show.txt.
- When the show.txt file is present in the client folder, the client UI will be shown to you.
- You may simply click on the Uninstall button to remove the client.
To uninstall the Client remotely from the Controlio Dashboard:
- Log in to your Controlio account.
- On the left side of the Dashboard navigate to “Computers” under the “Systems” section.
- Select the desired computer(s) from the list, and click the orange "Action" button.
- Choose "Uninstall client" to uninstall the client, but keep your data stored.
- Choose "Delete data & Uninstall client" If you want your data to be removed as well.
Also, you may free a license by disabling monitoring for a user (This option will not remove the client, it will be disabled instead):
- On the left side of the platform navigate to “Users” under the “Systems” section.
- Select the desired User(s) from the list, and click the orange "Action" button.
- Choose "Disable Monitoring."