Here's a quick tutorial on how to set up Single-Sign-On for JumpCloud:
- Login to the admin portal at
- Go to SSO Applications from the navigation tab
- Click on +Add New Application
- Select Custom Application
- Click on Next to proceed
- Select Manage Single Sign-On (SSO) with the option Configure SSO with SAML, then click on Next.
- Name the application under Display Label
- You may customize the SSO Idp URL by typing in the name of the application then click on Save Application
- Once the application has been created, click on Configure Application to proceed
- For the Idp Entity ID, you can come up with any name and input it there.
- This same Idp Entity ID, needs to be input on the SSO configuration page on Controlio under Service provider entity ID.
- To get the ACS URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL), you will need to refer to the SSO configuration page on Controlio under Controlio callback url. You can use the copy button to copy it
- Paste the copied URL under ACS URLS - Default URL *
- Make sure that the SAMLSubject NameID: is email, and adjust the SAMLSubject NameID Format: to urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress
- Under Sign *, select Assertion
Copy the IDP URL from the SSO page. (Simply click on the copy button)
Paste this link in the SSO configuration page of the Controlio Dashboard under ID-provider authentication URL
- Add the following attributes from Attributes - User Attributes
- email - email
- firstName - firstname
- lastName - lastname
- The X.509 certificate can be downloaded from the left side menu by clicking on the arrow next to IDP Certificate Valid
- Copy the contents of the downloaded certificate, and paste it into the X.509 certificate textbox in the SSO configuration page of the Controlio Dashboard.
- From User Groups, you can select user who will be able to login with SSO.
- Click on Save to finalize the configuration